Projects in the Yard and Garden

Friday and Saturday I worked on two different projects that I have been wanting to complete for some time. Lack of resources in…. money…. and time…. holds me back from completing a lot of my lofty goals.

This weekend I was determined to spend every minute I had working outside. By Saturday evening I had worked so hard, I began having terrible leg cramps from overworking the muscles. I still haven’t completed either project but will give you a look at the beginnings and continued updates as I am able to complete them.

Leftover day lilies and weeds had taken over the front of the garden after our fence was put in. I had pavers and bricks in the garden that I had used before, but they needed to be re-arranged. I began digging out the day lilies and gave them to my husband to plant near the road. Then….I weeded, removed bricks, and tilled the area.

The weeds and day lilies covered the bricks, so you could not see them.

The weeds and day lilies covered the bricks, so you could not see them.

In process removal of weeds and bricks.

In process, the removal of weeds and bricks.

Further progress.

Further progress.

I had pulled so many weeds over the previous weeks, the compost bin was exploding!

Compost bin.

Compost bin.

So, I had the brilliant idea of composting in a black trash bag. I am not sure if this will work, but you never learn anything unless you give it a try.

Trash bag composter.

Trash bag composter.

After bricks, flowers, and weeds were removed.

After bricks, flowers, and weeds were removed.

I surprised myself by how much better the area looked after I had removed everything and tilled the area. I began to use old pavers and bricks to make a weed free area at the front of the garden.

Pavers and bricks at front of garden.

Pavers and bricks at front of garden.

This is as far as I got on Friday after working all day. I felt a sense of accomplishment to have come so far working by myself, even though the job isn’t finished. (Collette was sick  and my husband was working at the roadside part of our property, mowing grass and planting the day lilies.)

Tomorrow I will share the second project that I worked on.

Have a great day!

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